Michael Gubanov

Assistant Professor
News: Two more papers accepted by ACM CIKM 2024 and EDBT 2025!
              Awarded a grant from FL Department of Health Casey DeSantis Florida Cancer Innovation Fund for constructing a hybrid Polystore/LLM simplifying access to Cancer Data Lakes!
              Awarded an NSF grant (PI, $550,000) for constructing Web-scale Knowledge Graphs and LLMs for Data Science!
              Received the AWS AI Amazon Research Award (ARA)! Thanks to Amazon for supporting BigLab! research!
              One more paper by BigLab! accepted to The Web Conference (WWW) 2023, held in Austin, TX this year!
              Two more papers accepted, total 3 papers presented at EDBT by BigLab! this year!!
              Our COVIDKG.ORG paper was accepted by EDBT 2023!
              Our COVID-19 Web-scale vizualization paper was accepted to ACM CIKM 2022!
              Our tabular profiling paper was accepted to ACM SIGMOD 2022!
              Launched COVIDKG.ORG and AGINGGRAPH.ORG
              Our New Data Science courses approved by FSU and State of Florida!
              Elected to Sigma Xi, 2021
              Communications of the ACM 2020 Research Highlight Award!
              Communications of the ACM (CACM) 2020 published our "Scalable Linear Algebra" paper!
              PG 2020 Award! Thank you to FSU!
              Congratulations to the award-winning teams from my FSU Data Science course this year! Team1, Team2, Team3

              FYAP 2019 Award! Thank you to FSU!

              ACM SIGMOD Research Highlight Award, 2018!
              ICDE 2017 award paper invited to a special issue of ACM SIGMOD Record
              ICDE 2017 award paper invited to publication in "Best of ICDE" issue of TKDE 2018
              ICDE 2017 Best Paper Award!

            Watch my talk at MIT on our Hybrid Linear Relational Engine
Florida State University
Computer Science Department

1017 Academic Way
Tallahassee, FL 32304
gubanov at cs.fsu.edu
Follow me on ResearchGate

Funding and Student Support

  • Florida Department of Health (DOH) (PI, $1,265,000) Casey DeSantis Florida Cancer Innovation Fund; Constructing a hybrid Polystore/LLM simplifying access to Cancer Data Lakes, 2024-current
  • National Science Foundation (NSF) (PI, $550,000): Search for the Unknown - A Hybrid Scalable Data Management System Providing Deep Access to the Scientific Knowledge in Data Science, 2024-current
  • AWS AI Amazon Research Award (PI, $70,000), 2023-current
  • National Science Foundation (NSF) (PI, $50,000), COVIDKG.ORG, 2022-2023
  • Amazon, AWS Award (PI, $45,000K), 2020-2023
  • FSU, PG Award (PI, $20,000), 2020
  • FSU, FYAP Award (PI, $12,000), 2019
  • National Science Foundation (NSF) (SubContract/Co-PI, $196,732): mHealth Technology for Detection of Pregnancy Complications; 2017-2019
  • NASHP Young Investigator Award, 2015
  • UTSA Cloud Technology Endowment
  • UTSA Graduate Tuition Assistance Award, 2018-2021
  • UTSA Graduate Tuition Assistance Award, 2017-2020
  • UTSA Computer Science Graduate Academic Scholarship, 2017
  • UTSA Computer Science Graduate Academic Scholarship, 2016
  • UTSA College of Sciences Dean Distinguished Summer Research Fellowship, 2016
  • UTSA Computer Science Graduate Academic Scholarship, 2016
Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Database Group

© Copyright 2014 Michael Gubanov. All rights reserved.