Michael Gubanov
Assistant Professor |
Florida State University |
Computer Science Department
1017 Academic Way |
Tallahassee, FL 32304 |
gubanov at cs.fsu.edu
Curriculum Vitae
- "Tabular Embeddings for Tables with Bi-Dimensional Hierarchical Metadata and Nesting"
Gyanendra Shrestha, Chutian Jiang, Sai Akula, Vivek Yannam, Anna Pyayt, Michael Gubanov, to appear in EDBT, 2025 [pdf]
- "CancerKG.ORG - a Web-scale, Interactive, Verifiable Knowledge Graph-LLM Hybrid for Assisting with Optimal Cancer Treatment and Care"
Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt, Aleksandra Karolack, in ACM CIKM, 2024 [pdf]
- "Learning Topical Structured Interfaces from Medical Research Literature"
Maitry Chauhan, Anna Pyayt, Michael Gubanov, in The Web Conference (WWW), 2023 [pdf]
- "COVIDKG.ORG - a Web-scale COVID-19 Interactive, Trustworthy Knowledge Graph, Constructed and Interrogated for Bias using Deep-Learning"
Bhim Kandibedala, Anna Pyayt, Nick Piraino, Chris Caballero, Michael Gubanov, in EDBT, 2023 [pdf]
- "Learning Circular Tabular Embeddings for Heterogeneous Large-scale Structured Datasets"
Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt, Sophie Pavia, in EDBT, DOLAP 2023 [pdf]
- "Scalable Metadata Classification in Heterogeneous Large-scale Datasets"
Bhim Kandibedala, Anna Pyayt, Michael Gubanov, in EDBT, DOLAP 2023 [pdf]
- "Visualizing and Querying Large-scale Structured Datasets by Learning Multi-layered 3D Meta-Profiles"
Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt, Sophie Pavia, in IEEE BigData, 2022, acc. rate 18.6%
- "Leveraging Scalable Profiling to Learn and Visualize the Latest Trustworthy COVID-19 Medical Research Findings"
Michael Gubanov, Sophie Pavia, Anna Pyayt, William Goble, in ACM CIKM, 2022[pdf]
- "Simplifying Access to Large-scale Structured Datasets by Meta-Profiling with Scalable Training Set Enrichment"
Sophie Pavia, Rituparna Khan, Anna Pyayt, Michael Gubanov, in ACM SIGMOD, 2022[pdf]
- "Hybrid Metadata Classification in Large-scale Structured Datasets"
Sophie Pavia, Nick Piraino, Kazi Islam, Anna Pyayt, Michael Gubanov, invited paper in the journal of Data Intelligence, Rinton Press, Special Issue on "Best of DEXA", 2022 [pdf]
- "Scalable Tabular Metadata Location and Classification in Large-scale Structured Datasets"
Kazi Islam, Michael Gubanov, in DEXA, Springer Nature, 2021, online[pdf]
- "Towards Unveiling Dark Web Structured Data"
Sophie Pavia, Rituparna Khan, Anna Pyayt, Michael Gubanov, in IEEE BigData, 2021[pdf]
- "Learning Tabular Embeddings at Web Scale"
Sophie Pavia, Rituparna Khan, Anna Pyayt, Michael Gubanov, in IEEE BigData, 2021[pdf]
- WebLens: Towards Interactive Large-scale Structured Data Profiling
Rituparna Khan, Michael Gubanov, in ACM CIKM 2020, online [pdf]
- Scalable Linear Algebra on a Relational Database System
Shangyu Luo, Zekai Gao, Michael Gubanov, Christopher Jermaine, Luis Perez, in the Communications of the ACM (CACM), 08/2020, Research Highlight[html]
- WebLens: Towards Interactive Web-scale Data Integration, Training the Models
Rituparna Khan, Michael Gubanov, in IEEE BigData 2020, online
- Towards Tabular Embeddings, Training the Relational Models
Rituparna Khan, Michael Gubanov, in IEEE BigData 2020, online
- Rapid Antibiotic Susceptibility Analysis Using Microscopy and Machine Learning
Anna Pyayt, Rituparna Khan, Robert Brzozowski, Prahathees Eswara, Michael Gubanov, in IEEE BigData 2020, online
- Hybrid.Poly: A Consolidated Interactive Analytical Polystore System
Maksim Podkorytov, Michael Gubanov, in ICDE 2019, Macao, China SAR [pdf]
- Scalable Linear Algebra on a Relational Database System
Shangyu Luo, Zekai Gao, Michael Gubanov, Christopher Jermaine, Luis Perez, Extended Journal Version, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Special Issue on "Best of ICDE"
- Nested Dolls: Towards Unsupervised Web Tables Clustering [pdf]
Rituparna Khan, Michael Gubanov, in IEEE Bigdata 2018, Seattle, WA
- Hybrid.Poly: Performance Evaluation of Linear Algebra Analytical Extensions [pdf]
Maksim Podkorytov, Michael Gubanov, in IEEE Bigdata 2018, Seattle, WA
- Hybrid.AI: A Learning Search Engine for Large-scale Structured Data
Sean Soderman, Anusha Kola, Maxim Podkorytov, Michael Geyer, Michael Gubanov , in WWW, Search, 2018, Lyon, France
- Scalable Linear Algebra on a Relational Database System
Shangyu Luo, Zekai Gao, Michael Gubanov, Christopher Jermaine, Luis Perez, ACM SIGMOD Record, March 2018, special issue for the "2017 ACM SIGMOD Research Highlights"
- Hybrid.AI: An AI-Augmented Search Engine for Large-scale Structured Data
Michael Gubanov, Sean Soderman, Anusha Kola, Maxim Podkorytov, MIT Annual Database Research Conference 2018, Cambridge, MA
- Hybrid.Poly: An Interactive Large-scale In-memory Analytical Polystore
Michael Gubanov, Maxim Podkorytov, Anusha Kola, Dylan Soderman, MIT Annual Database Research Conference 2018, Cambridge, MA
- CognitiveDB: An Intelligent Navigator for Large-scale Dark Structured Data
Michael Gubanov, Manju Priya, Maxim Podkorytov, in WWW 2017, Perth, Australia
- PolyFuse: A Large-scale Hybrid Data Integration System
Michael Gubanov, in IEEE ICDE DESWEb 2017, San Diego, CA
- Scalable Linear Algebra on a Relational Database System
Shangyu Luo, Zekai Gao, Michael Gubanov, Christopher Jermaine, Luis Perez, IEEE ICDE 2017, San Diego, CA Best Paper Award
- Hybrid: A Large-scale In Memory Image Analytics System
Michael Gubanov, in CIDR 2017, Chaminade, CA
- Hybrid.poly: An Interactive Large-scale In-memory Analytical Polystore
Maxim Podkorytov, Dylan Soderman, Michael Gubanov, in ICDM DSBDA 2017, New Orleans, LA
- mHealth Dipstick Analyzer For Monitoring of Pregnancy Complications
Karthik raj Konnaiyan, Surya Cheemalapati, Michael Gubanov and Anna Pyayt, in IEEE Sensors 2017
- IntelliLIGHT: A Flashlight for Large-scale Dark Data
Michael Gubanov, Manju Priya, Maxim Podkorytov, MIT Annual Database Research Conference 2017, Cambridge, MA
- Hybrid.JSON: High-velocity Parallel In-Memory Polystore JSON Ingest
Steven Ortiz, Caner Enbatan, Maksim Podkorytov, Dylan Soderman, Michael Gubanov, in IEEE Bigdata 2017, Boston, MA
- Scalable Spam Classifier for Web Tables
Santiago Villasenor, Tom Nguyen, Anusha Kola, Sean Soderman, Michael Gubanov, in IEEE Bigdata 2017, Boston, MA
- Hybrid.media: High Velocity Video Ingestion in an In-Memory Scalable Analytical Polystore
Mark Simmons, Daniel Armstrong, Dylan Soderman, Michael Gubanov, in IEEE Bigdata 2017, Boston, MA
- Generating UFOs from the Classified Object Tables
Anusha Kola, Harshal More, Sean Soderman, Michael Gubanov, in IEEE Bigdata 2017, Boston, MA
- Hybrid: A Large-scale Linear-Relational Database Management System
Michael Gubanov, Chris Jermaine, Zekai Gao, Shangyu Luo, MIT Annual Database Research Conference 2016, Cambridge, MA
- Type-aware Web search
Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt , in EDBT 2016, Bordeaux, France
- mHealth Dipstick Analyzer for Monitoring of Pregnancy Complications
Karthik Konnaiyan, Surya Cheemalapati, Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt in IEEE Sensors 2016, Orlando, FL, Best Paper Award
- Real Time Fear Detection Using Wearable Single Channel Electroencephalogram
Surya Cheemalapati, Prashanth Chetlur Adithya, Michael Del Valle, Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt, in International Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications, 2016
- DataXFormer: Leveraging the Web for Semantic Transformations
[bib] [pdf]
Zia Abedjan, John Morcos, Michael Gubanov, Ihab Ilyas, Michael Stonebraker, Paolo Papotti, Mourad Ouzanni, in CIDR 2015, Asilomar, California
- Mobile Phone-based Assessment and Prevention of Excessive Bleeding after Military Trauma
Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt , Defence Innovation, Technology Accelration Challenges, 2016, Austin, TX
- Large-scale Semantic Profile Extraction
[bib] [pdf]
Michael Gubanov, Michael Stonebraker EDBT 2014, Athens, Greece
- Text and Structured Data Fusion in DataTamer at Scale
[bib] [pdf]
Michael Gubanov, Michael Stonebraker, Daniel Bruckner, IEEE ICDE 2014, Chicago, Illinois
- Web-scale Synonym Resolution
Michael Gubanov, Michael Stonebraker MIT NEDB 2014, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- ReadFast: High-relevance Search-engine for Big Text [bib] [pdf]
Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyat. ACM CIKM 2013, San Francisco, California
- Bootstraping Synonym Resolution at Web Scale
Michael Gubanov, Michael Stonebraker DIMACS/CCICADA Workshop on Big Data Integration 2013, New Brunswick, New Jersey
- ReadFast: High-relevance Search-engine for EMR
Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt. MIT Innovations in Health Care Conference 2013, Cambridge, Massachussetts
ReadFast: Structural Information Retrieval from Biomedical Big Text by Natural Language Processing [bib][pdf]
Michael Gubanov, Linda Shapiro, Anna Payt.
Invited book chapter in "Information Reuse And Integration In Academia And Industry", Springer 2013
- ReadFast: Optimizing Structural Search Relevance for Big Medical Text [bib]
Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt. in IEEE Information Reuse and Integration (IRI) 2013, San Francisco, California
- BigDB: Automatic machine learning optimizer [pdf]
Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt. arXiv:1301.1575 [cs.DB], 2013
- A real-time classification algorithm for emotion detection using portable EEG
Surya Cheemalapati, Michael Gubanov, Michael Del Valle, Anna Pyayt. IEEE Information Reuse and Integration (IRI), 2013, San Francisco, CA
- Using online stream-processing for portable electroencephalography system for stress and fear detect
Surya Cheemalapati, Michael Del Valle, Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt. in Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference (SBEC), 2013, Miami, Florida
- Using stream processing for on-chip measurement of speed of blood coagulation
Drew Neihart, Michael Ladanov, Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt. in Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference (SBEC), 2013, Miami, Florida
- MedReadFast: Structural Information Retrieval Engine for Big Clinical Text [bib] [pdf]
Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt. IEEE Information Reuse and Integration (IRI) 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada
- Detecting blood coagulation on-chip
Drew Neihart, Carla Perla, Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt, in International Material Research Congress (IMRC), Cancun, Mexico, 2012
- Hemolysis sensor
Justin Stewart, Harry Tuazon, Anthony Zappa, Fei Mo, Edikan Archibong, Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt, in International Material Research Congress (IMRC), Cancun, Mexico, 2012
- Using Light to Detect Blood Coagulation
Drew Neihart, Carla Perla, Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt, in American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Clearwater Beach, Florida, 2012
- Detection of Hemoglobin in Plasma
Justin W. Stewart, Harry Tuazon, Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt, in American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Clearwater Beach, Florida, 2012
- ReadFast: Browsing large documents through Unified Famous Objects (UFO). [bib] [pdf]
Michael Gubanov, Linda Shapiro, Anna Payt. IEEE Information Reuse and Integration (IRI) 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada; acceptance rate 29%
- Learning Unified Famous Objects (UFO) to Bootstrap Information Integration. [bib] [pdf] [book]
Michael Gubanov, Linda Shapiro, Anna Payt. IEEE Information Reuse and Integration (IRI) 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada; acceptance rate 29%
- Using Unified Famous Objects (UFO) to Automate Alzheimer's Disease Diagnostics. [bib] [pdf]
Michael Gubanov, Linda Shapiro. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) 2010, Atlanta, Georgia
- IBM UFO Repository: Object-oriented Data Integration [bib] [pdf] [book]
Michael Gubanov, Lucian Popa, Howard Ho, Hamid Pirahesh, Jeng-Yih Chang, Shr-Chang Chen. VLDB 2009, Lyon, France
Simplifying Information Integration: Object-based flow-of-mappings framework for integration [bib]
Bogdan Alexe, Michael Gubanov, Mauricio A. Hernandez, Howard Ho, Jen-Wei Huang, Yannis Katsis, Lucian Popa, Barna Saha, Ioana Stanoi.
Invited book chapter in "Business Intelligence for the Real Time Enterprise", Springer 2009
- Metadata Management Engine for Data Integration with Reverse-Engineering Support [bib][pdf]
Michael Gubanov, Phil Berstein, Alex Moshchuk. IEEE ICDE 2008, Cancun, Mexico
- Structural text search and comparison using automatically extracted schema [bib][pdf]
Michael Gubanov, Phil Berstein. SIGMOD WebDB 2006, Chicago, Illinois