Michael Gubanov
Assistant Professor |
Florida State University |
Computer Science Department
1017 Academic Way |
Tallahassee, FL 32304 |
gubanov at cs.fsu.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Selected Funding
- Florida Department of Health (DOH) (PI, $1,265,000) Casey DeSantis Florida Cancer Innovation Fund; Constructing a hybrid Polystore/LLM simplifying access to Cancer Data Lakes, 2024-current
- National Science Foundation (NSF) (PI, $550,000) Search for the Unknown - A Hybrid Scalable Data Management System Providing Deep Access to the Scientific Knowledge in Data Science, 2024-current
- AWS AI Amazon Research Award (PI, $70,000), 2022-2024
- National Science Foundation (NSF) I-CORPS (PI, $50,000), COVIDKG.ORG, 2022-2023
Selected Awards/Honors
- AWS AI Amazon Research Award, 2023
- Communications of the ACM (CACM) Research Highlight Award, 2020.
- ACM SIGMOD Research Highlight Award, Houston, TX, 2018.
- IEEE ICDE Best Paper Award, San Diego, CA, 2017.
Selected Publications
- "Scalable Tabular Hierarchical Metadata Classification in Heterogeneous Structured
Large-scale Datasets using Contrastive Learning"
Bhim Kandibedala, Gyanendra Shrestha, Anna Pyayt, Michael Gubanov, under revision in ICDE, 2025
- "Tabular Embeddings for Tables with Bi-Dimensional Hierarchical Metadata and Nesting"
Gyanendra Shrestha, Chutian Jiang, Sai Akula, Vivek Yannam, Anna Pyayt, Michael Gubanov, to appear in EDBT, 2025 [pdf]
- "CancerKG.ORG - a Web-scale, Interactive, Verifiable Knowledge Graph-LLM Hybrid for Assisting with Optimal Cancer Treatment and Care"
Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt, Aleksandra Karolack, in ACM CIKM, 2024 [pdf]
- "Learning Topical Structured Interfaces from Medical Research Literature"
Maitry Chauhan, Anna Pyayt, Michael Gubanov, in The Web Conference (WWW), 2023[pdf]
- "Leveraging Scalable Profiling to Learn and Visualize the Latest Trustworthy COVID-19 Medical Research Findings"
Michael Gubanov, Sophie Pavia, Anna Pyayt, William Goble, in ACM CIKM, 2022[pdf]
- "Simplifying Access to Large-scale Structured Datasets by Meta-Profiling with Scalable Training Set Enrichment"
Sophie Pavia, Rituparna Khan, Anna Pyayt, Michael Gubanov, in ACM SIGMOD, 2022[pdf]
- Scalable Linear Algebra on a Relational Database System
Shangyu Luo, Zekai Gao, Michael Gubanov, Christopher Jermaine, Luis Perez, in the Communications of the ACM (CACM), 08/2020, Research Highlight[html]
- Hybrid.Poly: A Consolidated Interactive Analytical Polystore System
Maksim Podkorytov, Michael Gubanov, in ICDE 2019, Macao, China SAR [pdf]
- DataXFormer: Leveraging the Web for Semantic Transformations
[bib] [pdf]
Zia Abedjan, John Morcos, Michael Gubanov, Ihab Ilyas, Michael Stonebraker, Paolo Papotti, Mourad Ouzanni, in CIDR 2015, Asilomar, California
- Large-scale Semantic Profile Extraction
[bib] [pdf]
Michael Gubanov, Michael Stonebraker EDBT 2014, Athens, Greece
- Text and Structured Data Fusion in DataTamer at Scale
[bib] [pdf]
Michael Gubanov, Michael Stonebraker, Daniel Bruckner, IEEE ICDE 2014, Chicago, Illinois
- ReadFast: High-relevance Search-engine for Big Text [bib] [pdf]
Michael Gubanov, Anna Pyayt. ACM CIKM 2013, San Francisco, California
- IBM UFO Repository: Object-oriented Data Integration [bib] [pdf] [book]
Michael Gubanov, Lucian Popa, Howard Ho, Hamid Pirahesh, Jeng-Yih Chang, Shr-Chang Chen. VLDB 2009, Lyon, France
"Much have I learned from my teachers, more from my colleagues, but from my students, most of all."
--Rabbi Hanina (b. Ta'anit 7a)
Graduate students(advice by Jason Eisner,Kevin Gimpel,David Peterson)
- Gyanendra Shrestha
- Chutian Jiang
- Sai Ganesh
- Mamatha Edivelli
- Nilkod Yashaswini
- Kartik Vemireddy
- Ishitha Yarlagada
- Kalyan Kadari
- Shardha Hirve
- Ruchita Munugala
BigLab! Alumni
- Manju Krishnan, US Bank, TX, Full Stack Software Engineer; Amazon Alexa, WA, Software Engineer
- Anusha Kola, HCL America, TX, Software Engineer
- Sai Amirishetty, Walmart, AR, Software Engineer
- Yuqi Li
- Maxim Podkorytov, Facebook, CA, Research Scientist
- Bhim Kandibedala, Builder Homesite, TX, Software Engineer
- Sophie Pavia
- William Goble, Dickinson College, PA, Visiting Assistant Professor
- Maitry Chauhan, Bank of America, NJ, Software Engineer